BioArts fans (kunstenaar/designer/filosoof/wetenschapper) uit Nederland opgelet! Lees snel onderstaande aankondiging voor een Summerschool in Duitsland. Behalve dat het geweldig is dat deze plaatsvindt, is er nog een extra toffe bonus: als je een voorstel indient voor deelname en je mag meedoen, dan worden al je kosten gedekt!
International Summer School 2010, Cologne
18th July 2010 – 23rd July 2010
Location: Academy of Media Arts (KHM), Peter-Welter-Platz 2, D-50676 Cologne, Germany
In cooperation with the Institute for Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the context of
the Collaborative Research Project "Embodied Information" (http://www.fu-
Participants: MA- and PhD Students of Philosophy, STS, Art, and Humanities and Artists
Application: Send your project description (2-3 pages) and CV (1 page + list of exhibitions if applicable) until 15th March 2010 to Prof. Dr. Peter Bexte, e-mail:
Acceptance: Offer of acceptance by 1st April 2010 (Costs for travel expenses to and accommodation in Cologne will be covered.)
Topic Biological laboratories as sites of artistic and epistemic practice have enabled research that informs humanities, arts, and sciences. During the last decades various laboratory studies have established descriptive modes and methods of investigation. For instance, Hans-Joerg Rheinberger´s concept of ‘epistemic objects’, the notion of Bruno Latour on objects as agents and ‘science in action’ as well as Karin Knorr Cetina´s investigations on the reconfigurations of relations to the world within laboratories.
Furthermore, artists have explored the hidden agendas and practices of biological laboratories in various projects, such as Hannes Rickli´s long term study “Überschuss. Videogramme des Experimentierens” or the work at SymbioticA- Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts.
The summer school brings together artists and researchers who work in the context of biological laboratories.
Besides methodological and theoretical discussions we want to stimulate the exchange between research in arts and humanities. We would also like to mediate experience of laboratory work by practical exercises, e.g. in the KHM Laboratory for Experimental Computer Science (Lab3). Therefore, the program includes project presentations by the participants, BioArt and laboratory workshops in addition to plenary and public lectures.
Prof. Dr. Peter Bexte, KHM Cologne (Art History)
Kathrin Friedrich, KHM Cologne (Media Studies and STS)
Dr. Gabriele Gramelsberger, KHM Cologne/FU Berlin (Philosophy of Science)
Dr. Karin Harrasser, KHM Cologne (Cultural Theory and Media Studies)
Dr. Werner Kogge, FU Berlin (Philosophy of Biology)
Nina Samuel, FU Berlin (Art History)
Lasse Scherffig, KHM Cologne (Information and Cognitive Science)
Prof. Dr. Georg Trogemann, KHM Cologne (Experimental Computer Science)
Dr. Adrian Mackenzie, ESRC Lancaster (STS and Philosophy of Biology and Technology)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joerg Rheinberger, MPI for the History of Science Berlin (History and Epistemology of Experimentation in Life Sciences) (to be confirmed)
Prof. Hannes Rickli, ZHdK Zuerich (Artist and Contemporary Arts Research)
SymbioticA- Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, Australia, Video Conference